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Payment for goods must be made through PayPal or Nexi portal.
Upon conclusion of the online transaction, PayPal or Nexi will immediately charge you the import of your purchase.

In case of cancellation of the order by both the Customer and in case of rejection of the same by the Owner, simultaneously the amount set aside for the goods will be credited on the customer’s PayPal account. The timing of re-credit on the payment instrument chosen within the PayPal account depend solely by PayPal and the banking system. Once the charge back amount from your PayPal account, in any case, the owner can be held liable for any damages, direct or indirect, caused by delays in crediting employees by Paypal or by the banking system.

The Owner reserves the right to ask the Customer information (eg. landline phone number, coincidence between the customer’s address and the place of delivery of the goods) for determining the actual ownership of the PayPal account. In the absence of the required documentation, the Owner reserves the right to refuse the order.

At no time during the purchase process the Holder is able to know information about the buyer’s credit card or other manner chosen in the wallet of PayPal. In any case the owner can be held liable for any fraudulent and improper use of credit cards by a third party, upon payment for products purchased on www.backinblackclothing.com.

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